Euthanasia rates in Canada continue to rapidly rise year after year, yet there is little oversight to protect Canadians by ensuring compliance with the federal law that regulates medical assistance in ...
Aux États-Unis, les actifs des fondations privées de charité ont été multipliés par 15 en un peu plus de 35 ans. Seulement depuis le début de la pandémie, ils ont bondi de près de 50 %. À l’échelle ...
Ian Garner is assistant professor of totalitarian studies at the Pilecki Institute in Warsaw and a fellow at the Centre for International and Defence Policy in Kingston, ON.
The emerging breadth and depth of Russian disinformation tactics represent a clear and present danger to Canadian sovereignty and freedom. Just as troubling, some Canadians consider Canada immune to ...
In the United States, the assets of private charitable foundations have increased 15-fold in just over 35 years. Since the start of the pandemic alone, they have soared by nearly 50 per cent. On a ...
Brigitte Alepin teaches taxation at the Université du Québec en Outaouais. She is the author of numerous books and other works.
Question: what are two public-health measures essential for safeguarding individual health, reducing severe illness, and limiting the spread of infections that fewer than half of Canadians opt into?
Last June, François Legault’s government formed an advisory committee on constitutional issues, with the goal of identifying ways to promote Quebec’s distinct values and identity, strengthen respect ...
La pratique du changement d’heure est un legs historique qui n’a plus raison d’être. Ce n’est pas une question d’opinion ou de préférence personnelle, mais de santé publique et de faits scientifiques.