What is Attack on School Castes? Attack on School Castes was created by Attack on Titan’s creator Hajie Isayama. Normally, they would appear at the end of the franchise’s manga volumes ...
Attack on Titan: The Last Attack was released in Japan on November 8, marking a significant addition to the beloved ...
The chief executive of UnitedHealthcare, one the nation’s largest insurers, was killed in midtown Manhattan in what police ...
Fans are welcome to cry as openly they need to with a special Japanese release of Attack on Titan: The Last Attack.
The U.S. says 48 Americans died in the Oct. 7 Hamas attack, including Omer Neutra. Questions remain of how many have died in ...
Jewish settlers mounted a string of attacks on Palestinian towns in the occupied West Bank overnight, burning homes and ...
Isayama was closely involved in the movie's production, offering insights and details for THE LAST ATTACK. The post-credits scene features Armin, Eren, and Mikasa discussing a historical ...
A feature-length presentation of Attack on Titan's Final Chapters, the 145-minute film (titled The Last Attack) has a handful of subtle changes, including a new post-credits scene. While we ...
As the Pacific War reached its final stages, one kamikaze attack defied all expectations. Using an outdated wooden biplane, the Japanese managed to sink a powerful U.S. destroyer in what became the ...