Crohn’s disease (CD) is a chronic idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease, with a complex aetiology involving genetic, ...
You’ve got to have a strategy if you want to succeed in healthcare writes IMT patient correspondent Sheilagh Foley ...
As we analyse the results of the recent election, Dr Brendan O’Shea discusses the value of being involved with your community ...
Of STEMI patients who were transferred between hospitals, only four per cent were relocated within 30-minute target time ...
Cardiovascular Disease Update Part 1 The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) has updated its guideline on management of high ...
Number of reported cases rose 67 per cent in week ending November 30, with hospitalisations increasing from 42 to 73 ...
Galway University Hospitals Bereavement Support Services and the Irish Hospice Foundation (IHF) recently launched the ‘Galway ...
Acute public hospitals spent more than €100 million in the last five years on security services to protect patients and staff ...
The HSE Serious Physical Assault Scheme provides leave to all public health service staff after an assault at work by a ...
Irish women doctors are being asked to participate in a new survey which aims to explore family planning, pregnancy and motherhood, and their association with well-being, work-life balance and career ...
A staffing crisis in radiation therapy has contributed to the HSE spending almost €12 million in 18 months on contracting ...
After a long career of writing for Irish Medical Times Prof Eoin O’Brien looks back on his association with the paper and how ...