A record 3.7 million people became residents for the first time in the EU in 2023, this is the highest level since data ...
Electoral incidents were not absent from this election, despite the measures taken by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which ...
The state, the majority shareholder of SN 2 Mai Mangalia, has decided to terminate the association contract with the Dutch ...
Talabat Holding, one of the largest food delivery companies in the Middle East, is set to raise about $2 billion in the ...
There are institutions that manage to amaze with the lack of coherence shown when deciding to take action in similar cases.
Writer Mircea Cărtărescu will be the honorary president of the Gaudeamus Radio Romania Book Fair 2024, which will take place ...
Spain's left-wing government has approved an innovative measure that allows employees to take up to four days of "paid leave" ...
Unul dintre fotbaliÅŸtii români de legendă s-a stins astăzi. Fostul portar Helmuth Duckadam a murit la 65 de ani, a anunÅ£at, ...
Tragerea la sorţi pentru grupele EURO U21 din 2025 va avea loc la Bratislava marţi, la ora 20:00. Cele 16 echipe participante ...
Odată cu realegerea lui Donald Trump în funcÅ£ia de preÅŸedinte al SUA, propunerea sa de a crea o rezervă federală de Bitcoin ...
Schneider Electric lansează noua serie de senzori SpaceLogic Living Space, care măsoară particulele (PM) în spaÅ£iile de ...
KoçZer, companie din domeniul achiziÅ£iilor strategice ÅŸi al managementului lanÅ£ului de aprovizionare, ÅŸi-a anunÅ£at oficial ...