The animated sequel marks the fulfilment of a new executive structure and a mandate to avoid the culture wars.
Disney went big on selling 'Moana 2' to a global audience, their multi-prong bespoke marketing campaign yielding a $386M+ ...
I was in my sweatpants and getting my Christmas tree with my kids. There's such a disconnect between what's happening at the box office and what life is really,” laughs Miller, whose films grossed a ...
After the release of Moana in 2016, the appeal of the beloved Disney Animation character runs deep with Moana 2 achieving ...
Disney's "Moana 2" hit theaters Wednesday, in what's expected to be the latest fall blockbuster on the heels of "Wicked." ...
The box-office success of "Moana 2" has gotten Disney's animation division back on track after the movie was converted from a ...
Moana 2,' Disney's sequel to the beloved original film, is expected to break Thanksgiving weekend box office records with as ...
Moana 2' is expected to open to $225M around the world as it competes against 'Gladiator II' and 'Wicked' this Thanksgiving ...