SAN ANTONIO — Civil rights groups sued Texas on Tuesday over a controversial new law that would allow ... to enforce federal immigration laws already on the books and do his job to secure ...
Florida’s 2023 law requires hospitals to ask patients for their legal status. Though identifying information is not shared ...
His campaign posted a video that, with pounding music, combines news clips about the case ... 140 law enforcement agencies in ...
But 135 agreements still remain on the books nationwide ... t spare deputies to investigate immigration cases or do the administrative paperwork. Local law enforcement agencies all over the ...
The case also has some precedent that will need to be addressed in court. Another controversial immigration law in Arizona, known as SB 1070 or the "show me your papers" law was partially struck ...
Immigrant rights groups say ICE has a pattern of keeping immigrants detained for months, and even years, after they have won ...
The cases were consolidated. While the Justice Department claims solely that the law infringes on the federal government’s interest in regulating immigration and foreign ... including laws already on ...
The lawyers as guardians of the case file: on human-material encounters in immigration law in Russia. International Journal of ... 1. Tkach, Olga 2022. Book Review: Migration and Hybrid Political ...
The Immigrants’ Rights Clinic (IRC) had a busy year with several federal lawsuits and multiple victories for our clients. As always, IRC took on a variety of immigration-related cases, including ...
This article responds to Manuel Velasquez's "Immigration: Is Exclusion Just?" For good or for ill, the current immigration debate takes place in the context of international law, where the moral ...
Unless radical corrective measures are quickly taken, he says, unchecked Third World immigration ... nearly overwhelming--case against the status quo. And if his book is at times uncomfortably ...
In his 2008 book What Would Martin Say ... That is the subject of a lawsuit in Oregon in which the Immigration Reform Law Institute, where I work, is involved. Those “without the legal right ...